
Showing posts from July, 2021

Bimonthly assessment for July

 I have been given the following formative assessment for bimonthly blended assessment for July  2021 .This is the link regarding assessment: . Question:1 This is the question link I choose to give peer review  ⬇️ My review for her answers to questions given : The way she explained ever case is so wonderful and also explanation was so appropriate. This are the cases she covered in question 1 of her blog : ❇️Pu lmonology ❇️Neurology ❇️Nephrology and urology ❇️Gastroenterology ❇️ infectious disease and hepatology  ❇️Cardiology  She discussed different aspects of each case like case , treatment ,cause ,investigations and also diagnosis , symptoms of the given case.  She even answered the case so well and also she had even a brief explanation of each case. She even didn't stick one particular case but done all the different cases .she even suggested

Bimonthly Blended Assessment for June 2021

I have been given the following formative assessment for bimonthly blended assessment for June 2021 .This is the link regarding assessment: .   Question 1:peer review : My review on this question : 1) What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline and where is the anatomical localization for the problem and what is the primary etiology of the patient's problem? Review:I agree with the diagnosis because the patient works in paddy fields so he is affected with the allergens in the paddy field .The flow chart answered in this question is appropriate and gives the  complete symptomatology . 2 .case : Question: could chronic alcohlism have aggravated the foot ulcer formation ?if yes and why ? Review : the answer for this explained is true and due chronic alcoh