
Showing posts from August, 2022
 40 Akshara kruthi , 5th sem This elog depicts the patient -centered approach to learning . This is an online E log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patients de-identified health data shared , after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent . This elog also reflects patients centered learning portfolio. A 66 year old male patient with multiple painful blisters over the body August 02, 2022 Patient is referred from Dermatology department.  A 66 year old male patient from Kakkereni, AP Lingotam, Shepherd by occupation came to the OPD with C/o Multiple painful blisters all ove the body sparing palms and soles.  History of presenting illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years ago then he started developing itching all over the body suddenly which subsides temporarily on applying Vaseline.  5 days ago he developed a blister on the dorsal surface of the middle distal phalynx of his left hand following which his body started itching and blisters started appearing