67 old male patient with pain abdomen

67 year old pateint  with pain abdomen since 4 days

G.Aksharakruthi Roll no 40

Patient came to OPD with chief complaints of pain abdomen since 4 days

HOPI :  

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back then he developed pain in the abdomen, insidious in onset, gradually progressive dragging type,aggravated on doing work ,after consumption of alcohol ,not associated with nausea,vomitings

No h/o fever,cold,cough

No h/o constipation ,diarrhea

H/o burning micturition

Past history 

N/k/c/o HTN, Asthma, epilepsy,TB , CAD,CVA

No h/o surgeries in the past 

No H/O blood transfusion 

No h/o radiation exposure

Personal history: patient is farmer by occupation 

Diet mixed

Appetite decreased since 4 days 

Sleep adequate

Bowel regular 

Micturition not normal 

Burning micturition


Addictions regularly consumes alcohol about 90 ml/day 

Since 30 years 

Daily routine:-
Patient  wakes up at 6:30 to 7:30 am in morning  approx. and goes to farm  for about  1 and half hour and freshen ups and have a cup of tea and goes for farming then he will have his lunch at 2:00 .will  have tea in evening and have dinner early  and goes to bed at 9:00 
Alcohol comsumption is frequent 

General physical examination

Pt is conscious coherent cooperative well oriented to time place person

Moderately built and nourished


Bp : 130/80 mm Hg 

Pr :  69 bpm

Spo2 98 on RA 

Temp:  98.3 F

Grbs 197 mg/dl

No pallor, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy,edema

Icterus present 

Systemic examination : 

Cvs s1 ,s2 heard

CNS no focal neurological deficits noted

Rs BAE + , NVBS 


Inspection : abdomen flat 

No scars,sinuses,hernial orifices, pulses,masses,

All quadrants are moving equally with respiration

On palpation: 

All inspectory findings are confirmed 

Abdomen soft 

Tenderness in epigastric and both hypochondriac regions

No local rise of temperature


Rigidity absent

Provisional diagnosis : acute on chronic pancreatitis

Investigations done on 27/11/23 

CBP : 

Serum lipase 






x ray erect abdomen 

Chest x ray : 

Investigations done on 28/11/23 

Final diagnosis : 

Chronic pancreatitis

acute on chronic pancreatitis


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